15 Nov

Bulgaria appears, does not drop in global index on entrepreneurship – GEDI index

Due to some publications in the media with regards to the GEDI index on entrepreneurship, GEM Bulgaria would like to clarify the presented information and messages.
Bulgaria is at #82 place according to the global ranking of entrepreneurship 2017 by the GEDI methodology. It is very important to point out that it is not, in fact, a drop, but a baseline for our country according to GEDI, as the previous #46 place was based on averaged data from Romania and Montenegro from previous periods which GEDI has acknowledged this as well. GEM Bulgaria collected its own data collection in 2015, which combined with other information chosen by GEDI puts Bulgaria at #82 place.
GEM Bulgaria produced its first GEM data in 2015, which was now combined with the other indicators chosen by the GEDI index to conclude #82 place. As the GEM Bulgaria 2015/16 report states, it is crucial to look at the full picture of the entrepreneurial ecosystem to get a full understanding of the environment and the entrepreneurial activity in a country. 

GEM Bulgaria warned about the risk of sending a wrong message about a “drop” in the ranking of Bulgaria in GEDI back in December 2014 when we raised the issue that it is could measure a rank based on non-Bulgarian data.
2015-16 GEM Bulgaria reportTo understand the current state of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Bulgaria, GEM Bulgaria has primary data, including expert assessment of the environment, as well as recommendations for the stakeholders how to improve the conditions for the development of the entrepreneurship in Bulgaria. It also validates the importance GEM Bulgaria efforts to have up to date independent data about the Bulgarian ecosystem.